Imagine no feel-good hormones, like dopamine, serotonin, taurine
(Which is a big cause of depression) gut issues, chronic fatigue, panic attacks, migraines, joint pain and the list goes on and on. What do people resource to?
Meds to calm those problems without investigating where those problems originate from.
Most of the time, those problems are the body telling us, something is wrong! We need to track back, did we sleep, what state is our gut in? What did we eat or not eat? What are we missing? Each piece of food, we Put in our mouths, can cause serious complications to some individuals, like me.
I know, I have a lactose problem, a gluten problem, a sugar problem and can't even digest even good fats. I end up with pancreatitis and a gas problem, which doesn't allow me to eat beans to stabilize blood sugar levels.
So what's left? Unlimited veggies, and few proteins. It seemed overwhelming at first, but how come, I feel so much better now? My gut wasn't properly balanced, was completely out of HCL Hydrochloric acid (which helps you digest food naturally)
Doctors in the past, prescribed me pantaloc (which took away all my acid, when you need some acid to digest your food) my body rejected it. Thank god! My esophagus and throat was left so irritated. Didn't know what was happening, so naturally my cortisol went so high, and I had so much anxiety, I couldn't sleep! I wasn't metabolizing my hormones anymore and the hot flashes were crazy cause my liver wasn't doing the proper job. Everything was out of control. Sleeplessness became an issue and tress, stress, stress!
All the time. I ended up with leaky gut syndrome and wasn't absorbing any vitamins and mineral. Then the neurological issues came up with panic attacks and fear! My body was so acidic and out of control! This is what many people face in today's world.
I back tracked every problem, which brought me to where I am today. I still have stress and always will, but I also have calmness and peace and that's because I force myself to think differently and watch everything that enters my stomach and my blood stream, even through cosmetics (which I love) so you see, you can have it all, if you make the sacrifice to be healthy.
Never give up! I'm living proof!
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