Wednesday, July 05, 2017

A new way of life

I have made so many more discoveries lately. I have researched and have tried on myself a different approach of dealing with depression and stress. Right now, I have a lot of stress in my life dealing with my mom that has Alzheimer's.

In the past year she has deteriorated quite a bit. She now has developed a condition that she scratches herself to a point where she bleeds. She has severely dry skin, specifically, eczema. Dermatologists have prescribed a steroid cream and antidepressants for her case, which really shocked me. The steroid cream I'm willing to try cause she doesn't reason any more with her brain, but antidepressants? I said she has Alzheimer's and she is still happy
Why antidepressants? The doctor answered me: "she will be happier"

This is our medical system. Pretty bad! I said thank you and left. In their eyes, she’s old with Alzheimer's. What difference does it make what else happens to her brain. Doctors work a little too closely with pharmaceutical reps, it’s become a large industry with constant exponential growth.

When I was really bad, I was on Xanax and had no coping skills to deal with stress. I will never go back on them. I am able to deal better with stressors and now have certain supplements that help me sleep like a baby when under stress.

I was recently in an ER with my mom for four days because my mom was diagnosed with syncope (she passes out for a minute or two). After spending so much time in the hospital I began to notice the amount of junk food the nurses and doctors were eating! It sure wasn't real food! Again fast fix to calm your cravings. Everything in this world has to be a fast fix. Well let me tell you, as sick as I was, it wasn't a fast fix that made me feel healthy again. It took years of my life! I currently was on anti depressants, which I am tapering off cause that doesn't solve my problem, just camouflages it. It all goes back to DIET
What are we eating? Are we deficient in B12, iron? Too much stress! Less sleep.
Wheat was a big problem for me and I finally made the connection with my brain and my gut. I notice when I eat real food and take my digestive enzymes and probiotics and not much sugar, wow the same thing works on me like an anti depressant. Only anti depressant are another chemical I'm putting in my body.

The journey is long, but I am so grateful I did it. I was cutting out coffee and my glass of white wine (red is hard on my stomach) and everything else in my life. But silly me, I could enjoy these things as long as I have balance and still be healthy.

I make sure my body is always alkalized and eat foods that are more alkaline than acidic! My daughter and father always said everything in moderation!

I say balance. I'm not out for a quick fix anymore. This is a new life for me!

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