Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Poison in Sugar

I feel good and I sleep great but yet I still feel something is not right. I eat healthy but yet I still feel bloated. I take my probiotics, my digestive enzymes and hydrochloride acid with my meals and am still bloated.

I have my gluten free toast in the morning with my coffee. For snacks I have my humus with veggies or gluten free crackers as well as kale chips. For dinner I have a protein with brown rice and veggies.

Sugar is in many forms. It's not only the white sugar we put in our coffees, it's pasta, rice, bread, potatoes and even boiled carrots. They all convert into sugar. So many people eat cereal in the morning loaded with sugar.

I then realized the only thing left I didn't cut out mostly was sugar. I love my gluten free muffin my daughter first showed me how to make. I decided one day not to eat my toast in the morning and gluten free muffin in the afternoon. For lunch I tried just having a veggie soup or humus with sweet snap peas, yellow and red peppers. It worked! No bloating! For dinner I started having any protein with veggies as long as not starchy along with a spinach salad and wow no bloating again!

Again, it was time to change my diet. My amazing naturopath Mariola did say my muffin (even healthy one) in afternoon would raise my blood sugar (she is my life saver) My headaches seem to be less and I don't feel tired like before
I was so shocked to discover the impact of all the sugary foods we eat (and may not even know contain sugar) sugar can be poison!

I ended up in the ER with acute pancreatitis when I ate the old way and had just one glass of Chardonnay (which I love). My cells were filling up with sugar and wouldn't accept anymore. That's why in the ER, they told me, after tests and scans that my case was idiopathic, meaning they couldn't figure out why this was happening. My system is very sensitive! I had my body telling me: stop what you are doing, we can't take it anymore!

If your cells are filled with sugar and will not accept any more, the insulin will send the sugar to be stored as fat for later use and that's why women and men over forty get thick around the middle! Doesn't this make sense?

I have to keep my pancreas from over secreting insulin, which will keep my blood sugar and hormones balanced. Alcohol is sugar too I choose to have my Chardonnay only on Saturday nights with my love. I wonder if I did nothing about it, would I be pre diabetic? My mom is diabetic but she chose to eat her way (mostly bread, rice, pasta, and sweets) and on medication.

Don't wait till it's too late, change your diet now! I realized when one thing goes wrong in your system, you are more prone to end up with other problems, with your heart, brain and liver. Remember everything functions well when we are in our twenties and thirties, it's only a matter of time before the shift begins in your body. Treat your body well, you only have one life to live, live it healthy!

Check out this glycemic index to find out ways to slowly make better choices with what you eat. Start with small manageable steps.

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