Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stay Away from Pills, Pills and more Pills!

            In November, I went with my husband to see Suzanne Somers in Ottawa for a seminar with Nutrichem Compounding Pharmacy (if I lived in Ottawa, this is where I would go). Their supplements are of superior quality and they make powders especially geared for your needs .The man to go see would be Kent MacLeod.  I called him a scientist because that is the way he thinks and he is amazing.  He will probably give you a body chemistry balance test and if symptoms are more severe, hormonal therapy.  His secretary Laura is fantastic and she will set you up with your needs.  Their phone number is (613) 721-3669.

            Back to the seminar, it is valuable information that Suzanne writes in all her books.  She looked amazing as usual and she felt great!  I think hormones are the issue for so many women in menopause and perimenopause.  They create terrible symptoms, which lead women to blow up at their husbands and children.  Like Suzanne says, "itchy, bitchy, sweaty, sleepy, bloated, forgetful and all dried up.” There they are the seven dwarfs of menopause.  Bioidentical hormones take it all away with the right dose.  Not synthetic ones.  

            So many marriages fail.  I had every symptom and my husband stood right beside me and said, by 50, you will have it all figured out.  He is my strength.  I love him a great deal.  If I only knew my migraines before, during and after my period, were all related to an estrogen problem.  I was so stressed with migraines all the time.  I lived years of torture with this, getting all drugged up.  The pain I had before my period, lead me to think, I had endometriosis.  Throwing up and in bed for 2 days. My doctor did not believe me until I went into full-blown menopause and after tests, told me it was endometriosis. Too much estrogen is carcinogenic and no progesterone.  What a nightmare!  I was so lucky, I did not have cancer.  I took pills to kill the pain of migraines, kill the pain of period cramps and even pills not to bloat before my period.  What a disaster!  Pills! Pills! Pills! I was doing it to myself what a vicious circle.  As I said in my first blog, narrow down the reason why you get migraines.  Mine were mostly hormonal.  Now I only get them once in a while, when I am really stressed.  Before, I would have 20 or 25 migraines a month.  You can imagine how crazy my hormones were and all I did was mask it.  I didn't make the connection.  Now, I watch every symptom and just have to adjust my bioidentical hormones.

            The biggest gift, I can give myself is to feel great and treat my body with tender loving care.  We are not machines and even machines break down too.  Our bodies are precious and if we take good care, the reward is there.  It is fun to bring in the New Year with good health and a positive outlook on life, as I never did before.  Stress will make you age and calm will keep you young.
Most of my healing was done by my naturopath, Mariola Livernoche. She believed in me, when I didn’t.  I have been to many naturopaths, but she is the best of the best.  She has a solution to every health issue.  If you are strict and go by what she says, you will see results.  She loves her work and her passion is amazing.  Her secretary, Micheline, makes sure you get all the info you need and works with Mariola to get you on the right track.  This is the kind of team you want to help you in all your health issues.  Her phone number is (514) 381 - 6756 and she works Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday from 1pm to 5pm. She has all the necessary tests available to get to the root of your problem.  Believe me, it is worth the expense, to have a life free of suffering and full of pleasure and hope!

What a beautiful way, to bring in the New Year


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