This summer was an experience for all my family. Let me start off by
saying my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and has many other
problems such as limited mobility. My mother had been making loud noises and
snoring while she slept for many years, but it was only once I started sleeping
next to her every night (because she has trouble getting out of bed on her own)
that I noticed how bad it really was.
I decided to ask my chiropractor his thoughts on the matter (by the
way he is the best chiro on the universe) he put a pulse oximeter on her finger
and found her oxygen a bit low. My family and I noticed she began to be more
and more confused and wanted to sleep all the time. I decided to have her
tested for sleep apnea. I went private because I was able to schedule a test
the same week. If she were to have it done through Medicare, in a hospital, the
wait was a year, minimum. She had time to die before getting to the bottom of
it. She was going down very rapidly. I love my mom and would do anything to
keep her alive. Finally her score was so high, she stopped breathing 59 times
an hour, grasping for air. My family and I were in shock. We quickly got her a
sleep apnea machine and she started to improve. Imagine, your brain not getting
enough oxygen and your heart was working so hard, that it was a matter of time
before your body was to shutdown.
It was thanks to my Dr. Jean Luc Flipo, my chiropractor, Micheline, my
naturopath’s secretary, and Mariola Livernoche, my naturopath that I was able
to really help my mom. Mariola saved me when I was at my worst with all my food
intolerances and way of life and Dr. Flipo helped me with my migraines from 15
years ago. If I hadn’t seen them, I would have been in terrible shape and on so
many prescription drugs by now. (Pills are a life savior only in severe cases)
I don't do anything before consulting my team, as I like to call them. They
sure know their stuff.
Sleep apnea affects more people than I thought, anyone from a young
adult to a body builder. It is my suggestion to keep a pulse oximeter in your
house and use it on your family, just to see what your oxygen level is and make
sure there are no problems. They are not expensive and can be easily purchased
online, either on amazon or eBay.
Cheers to better living